Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good News ! From Canada

The news from Canada about test carried out in the US by a lab specilaized in Genetic Chemo-sensitivity testing .

The valuable tests made on QBEM p-53 on Ovarian Cancer Cells - which show comparison with another 39 Alternative Substances inclduing :
Quercetin, Ascorbic acid, C-statin, H2O2, co enzyme Q10, essiac tea, IP6, N-acetyl-cystein,salvestrol,caesium chloride, ellagic acid, L-carnithine, L-methinonine, Poly-MVA, Vitamin E, maitake, IFNa2, amygdalin, cur cumin, mistletoe,superoxide dismutase, indol-3-carbinol, uncaria tomentosa, artesunate, melatonin, selenium, noni juice, niacin, aloe vera extract, annonaceous acetogenins (paw paw), reolysin, Iykopene, and green tea extract

We share this with you - anyone would find this intresting !
Only 3 susbtances showed any change in the culture, in the case of QBEM p53 there was a break-up of the cnacer cell measured at %30 and according to the lab specialist anything above %5 is Significant. Which means that the results were totaly un-expected ( by them)

My Congrats to everyone who participated in arraging and conducting the tests as we are looking forward now to conduct similar tests on different kinds of cancer cultures.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

15 Year Old girl sees the light for the first time since 8 years

Her name doesn't really matter. 12012009349What matters is that not only can she see the light with her eyes ,but also she could distinguish colors and shapes and at very close distance she could even recognize shapes and letters written on a paper.
I was surprised by Prof. Dr. Iqbal as I walked into the office to find him with this young teen girl who has very humble and innocent looks.
Immediately Prof. Iqbal asked me : " DO you think see could see ? "
Cautiously I replied I'll take a closer look ;as I came closer and looked at both her eyes and quickly asked Dr. Iqabl " would you please ask her if she sees any light at all ? "
The girl answered : " Tell him I see him " Dr. translated and I asked "What does she see ? "
The girl answered with a smile : " He's wearing a black suit and red tie "
After having a high fever while just a 7 year old child and after receiving the medication the child lost her eye sight and thick cataract formed on both eyes covering them with a layer which light can't penetrate. So she lived her life normally only it had one color Black -
What actually happened is known as JOHN STEVEN SYENDROME ; which is A severe inflammatory eruption of the skin and mucous membranes, usually occurring in children and young adults following a respiratory infection or as an allergic reaction to drugs or other substances.
SJS is a rare condition, with a reported incidence of around one case per million people per year
After using Bseer1 QBEM eye drop for a little bit over a month this meeting took place.
I'm not the only one who was surprised to know she could see at all because of the appearance & condition of her eyes !
Another miracle with QBEM. After

Now confidently we could cure Cataracts and Glaucoma without any surgery.
other Photos
( might not seem pleasant )

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hepron BM – Energy Medicine Cure for Hepatitis offered as alternative in 3 hospitals

Hepron BM – Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Cure for Hepatitis offered as alternative in 3 hospitals in Pakistan

This January marked the successful conclusion of the clinical trails of the newly introduced Cure for Hepatitis- Quantum Bio Energy Medicine (QBEM) Hepron BM.

Now, and since the beginning of this February both Hepron BM & Baseer-1 ( Hepatitis -Cataract ) are being offered in three Hospital in the state of Punjab as an alternative to patients using Interferon and those performing eye surgery for Cataract.

The Hospitals offering Hepron BM & Baseer1

  1. AL-Khadija Foundation Hospital

  2. Akhtar Saeed Memorial Hospital -Bahriya Town

  3. BMT Hospital -Qasur
in addition of course to Zainab Memorial Hospital where Prof. Dr. Iqbal recieves patients.

Today, Hepatitis is a disease widely spread in many countries. In Pakistan it reaches levels of % 8-10 of the population in some areas. The Prime minister highlighted this point recently during his visit to King Edward Medical University for their graduation ceremony calling upon the faculty and medical students to pursue efforts to help cure this disease.

Fortunately enough, we have had success in curing hepatitis patients for some time now. However our efforts to focus on compiling all our work with Cancer has over shed the work concluded in other areas wither in the past or most recently.

Early 2008, the major success came with the successful conclusion of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine animal testing in three areas:

1) Diabetes 2)hepatitis 3) Eye Cataract.

During the second half of the year clinical trails were already on the way for the
hepatitis and the eye cataract medicines.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Clinic Check-in & PAtient Forms

Visit / Register / Check

A- Registeration

clip_image001 Register upon checking-in at the Clinic-Reception Desk
( Time, Name, Signature )

clip_image001[1] Receive infomercial material – pamphlets

o Energy Medicine

o Integrated Medicine


B- Pre-Visit Procedure ( Open File :

  • Date/time
  • Name/Sex/Birthday/city/
    • Photo ( Face, Standing Face, Side )
  • Visit-Form
    • Main Complain
  • Vitals: Weight / Pulse
  • Questionnaire ( Fill )

· clip_image003Non-Objection Form ( Sign )

C- Collect Samples / Perform Tests if required

  • Zamzam: Water Test
  • Obtain Hair, Skin Samples
  • Draw Blood for Testing
  • Bio-Feedback Aura


D- Visit ( Consultation – Diagnosis & Therapy )

E- Post-Visit Procedure

  • Schedule/Log next Visit date

Satisfaction Form

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cancer Answer

This Movie clip was produced in 2005
Preview of the history and names behind the achievement.
The last frame- fades out with two people holding
Sir Anton's picture. I will write one day about this man
and share with you the poem given to Prof. K.S. Abbas Iqbal
where Anton is mentioned.

The Music is my composition (Layaly) Hameed AL-Sha'ri & Friends Performing. Recorded in Egypt 1987. Mastered & remixed in London the same year. Never released