A truly warm reception filled lots of activities and always with Egyptian hospitality wherever we went.
The highlight of the visit include meetings prominent heptologist Dr. Jamal Sheha director of the Egyptian Liver Center - AL Mansoura as well as with Dr. Mohi Zayet Director of the Central Charity Hospital Cairo as well as with Professor Dr. Mahmoud Nashar another authority on Liver Disease. In Alexandria we visited Dr. Ibrahim Obeid Director/Owner of Obied Hospital in Alexandria.
Egypt is one of the countries with largest populations with Hepatitis C infection. The official statistics rate that as much as %45 of the 80 Million population carry the Virus.
Currently , all our Egyptian friends whom we visited are evaluating the medicine and formulating venues for possible cooperation to introduce Hepron in Egypt the soonest possible. We are anticipating another visit within June to followup and possibly conclude agreement for future cooperation.