Sunday, January 25, 2009

Safe and effective Cure & Preventative of Cancer

From Quantum Bio Energy

Safe and effective
Cure & Preventative of Cancer

The new medicine works according to Quantum Bio Energy principles of physics bringing beneficiary effect to the body on the sub-cellular sub-nuclei level known as the DNA or genes.
Restoring genetic mutations and the genetic code integrity allows for the production of healthy genes and subsequently correcting the malfunctions caused by mutated or dislocated dysfunctional genes that cause many disorders and diseases including cancer.
This discovery opens the door for the first time in human modern history to cure and better treat many genetic disorders including inherited hereditary diseases.
This claim goes undisputed or challenged after almost three years of the publishing the "P-53 Cancer " results and presenting them to the specialized medical & scientific community. Only time will judge the extent of this break through as well as the successful and promising results which were obtained in many cases including renal, liver and blood disorders as well as diabetes and allergies.
Currently, Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Research activities are ongoing in Pakistan, Saudi, Iran , India as well as Canada and Japan. The collaborations and teams are expanding from different angles ;as some carry out animal testing others focus on conducting Lab test and experiments or clinical trails substantiating and documenting the findings and results.

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