Friday, February 19, 2010

Stories to tell you remember !

Do you remember ?
Please remember ,
Have you seen this face before some where ?

The Journey ..from Darkness to Light !
from blak to White
from them both to Colors so bright

to another totally different person , personality , and new
wonderful life and future.

What can I say after 1 Month ..1 Year and more so much has changed
We are compiling a special video and a paper is in the writing process

So they say "Results" ...
Well this is brought in a Domain where NO ONE HAS anything to offer.
it real Not turn back or send home patients with no Hope or No Answers given by others in such case

This is a Sample of results obtained using Quantum Bio Energy Medicine - Baseer 1 Eye Drop
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Monday, February 8, 2010

New Clinical trail in Iraland on the way

The latest new from Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal

  • Among the many most recent new devlelopments is a new Clinical Trail in Iraland for 20 patients ( CA Prostate )
This came as one of the direct results of the telecast of Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal from Iraq which was carried by many satelite chanels.
As we were informed the 4 hour telecast created a massive wave of inquiries and leads from all over the world. People from N. America, Europe and Asian & Arab countries welcomed the good news that the interview and seminar carried to them. Many attended the occausion in person at Haram in Karbal, while many more got the news sitting in the homes or waching on TV screen wherever they happened to be at the time.

With this occausion we would like to give our censeer congratioaltions to Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal and all the people in his team who have helped bring those scientific discoveries to light.

Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal
arrived today to Syria for a visit which will last 10 days were he will be joined by other team members assembling to coordinate before they returns back to Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi after a series of sucessful visits to UAE, Iraq, Oman, and Iran.

we await the media ( photos and films ) which will be posted once recieved from various team members.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Final Preparations For China PepCon 2010

Last Minute

Just in from Dubai after sucessful conclusion of the International Conferance for Drug Discovery & Therapy - Dr. Eyad Hassan A. Kamel; Mushfa Founding Member & Chairman due to arrive to Muscat to join Dr. Mulazim Hussein for the Quantum Bio Energy Medincine Seminar at Sultan Qaboos University

Mushfa - Team Full thrust by Spring

Mushfa - We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mushfa group Senior VP & COO

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ya sucsessfuly concluded

Monday, February 1, 2010

SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY College of Medicine & Health Sciences

"Gene expression signature and Response to chemotherapy with Santinib (P53)" on Feb 7,2010 (Sunday)

A lecture on Bioenergy in a Seminar, the program in SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY College of Medicine & Health Sciences Department of Pathology Program for the Visit of Dr.Mulazim Hussain Bukhari (Associate Professor (Pathology) King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan)

Middle-Eastern Association for Cancer Research (MEACR)

We are in the process of formalizing our participation and cooperation with the Middle-Eastern Association for Cancer Research (MEACR) headed by Dr. Ala-Eddin Al Moustafa Syrian Research Cancer Centre also member of Oncology Department aculty of Medicine/McGill University Montreal, Qc, Canada

This marks our first cooperation in Syria