Monday, February 8, 2010

New Clinical trail in Iraland on the way

The latest new from Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal

  • Among the many most recent new devlelopments is a new Clinical Trail in Iraland for 20 patients ( CA Prostate )
This came as one of the direct results of the telecast of Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal from Iraq which was carried by many satelite chanels.
As we were informed the 4 hour telecast created a massive wave of inquiries and leads from all over the world. People from N. America, Europe and Asian & Arab countries welcomed the good news that the interview and seminar carried to them. Many attended the occausion in person at Haram in Karbal, while many more got the news sitting in the homes or waching on TV screen wherever they happened to be at the time.

With this occausion we would like to give our censeer congratioaltions to Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal and all the people in his team who have helped bring those scientific discoveries to light.

Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal
arrived today to Syria for a visit which will last 10 days were he will be joined by other team members assembling to coordinate before they returns back to Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi after a series of sucessful visits to UAE, Iraq, Oman, and Iran.

we await the media ( photos and films ) which will be posted once recieved from various team members.

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