Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good News ! From Canada

The news from Canada about test carried out in the US by a lab specilaized in Genetic Chemo-sensitivity testing .

The valuable tests made on QBEM p-53 on Ovarian Cancer Cells - which show comparison with another 39 Alternative Substances inclduing :
Quercetin, Ascorbic acid, C-statin, H2O2, co enzyme Q10, essiac tea, IP6, N-acetyl-cystein,salvestrol,caesium chloride, ellagic acid, L-carnithine, L-methinonine, Poly-MVA, Vitamin E, maitake, IFNa2, amygdalin, cur cumin, mistletoe,superoxide dismutase, indol-3-carbinol, uncaria tomentosa, artesunate, melatonin, selenium, noni juice, niacin, aloe vera extract, annonaceous acetogenins (paw paw), reolysin, Iykopene, and green tea extract

We share this with you - anyone would find this intresting !
Only 3 susbtances showed any change in the culture, in the case of QBEM p53 there was a break-up of the cnacer cell measured at %30 and according to the lab specialist anything above %5 is Significant. Which means that the results were totaly un-expected ( by them)

My Congrats to everyone who participated in arraging and conducting the tests as we are looking forward now to conduct similar tests on different kinds of cancer cultures.

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