The Islamic Cure for Cancer has been discovered!
The medicine prepared from the “Sand of Madina”, has been accepted all over Europe and across the world!
As human beings came into existence, diseases and illnesses followed. With time, research on the cure of diseases began to increase. For thousands of years, cure for diseases via different herbs remained in common practice. However, we cannot deny the fact that due to lack of research in medicine, we have been unable to find a cure for several diseases, due to which thousands of people have died.
Before the allopathic cure, traditional ways of cure were a ray of hope for the sick people. It is said that Hakeem Ajmal used to come up with a perfect cure, only by the scent of a person’s clothes. Once, a man came to him with a thread that was tied to the leg of a goat. After smelling the thread, the Hakeem said the goat hasn’t been eating enough food, due to which the amount of milk it gives has reduced.
Most experts have said that 11 diseases can be detected by feeling the nerves. Even for a Hakeem, the study of psychology and geography is very important. With the help of psychology, one can make out a person’s habits, and with the help of geography, one can make out a person’s living standard.
The German cure of homeopathy is also being practiced worldwide. However, for a quick cure, patients prefer allopath over homeopathy. In ancient times, during the Mughal period, the royal families used get treatment from a Hakeem.
The promotion and success of medical science has created a revolution in the field of medicine. Due to this revolution, several diseases have been discovered and learned, and out of these, the cure for a number of them has also been discovered.
Despite the success and promotion of medical science on such a large scale, there is still room for more research.
Even today, AIDS is still a non-curable disease, on which research is being conducted. Muslim scientists, Jabir Bin Hayan, Zakariya Ar-Razi and Ib-e-Sina, have contributed a lot to the field of medicine.
A number of diseases have become a challenge for medical science, one of them being, Cancer. Despite extensive research on cancer, it cannot be called a curable disease. Blood cancer patients or those of any other type of cancer, become victims of the deadly disease again, after cure. Worldwide, medical experts are still researching on the cure of this disease.
The failure in finding a proper cure for Sugar and Blood pressure is blamed by many, on the unsuccessfulness of medical science.
“Mushfa”, a health organization in Saudi Arabia, has discovered the cure for cancer with the “Sand of Madina”. In order to research in medicine, the head of Mushfa, Dr. Eyad Hassan A. Kamal and Pakistani scientist, Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal have made an agreement with the Vice Chancellor of King Edward Medical University, Dr. Mumtaz Hassan. Professor Munir Hussain and Associate Professor Mulazim Hussain, signed the agreement as witnesses. This agreement will be valid for 5 years.
Dr. Eyad Hassan and Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal, told Jinnah that since the past 3 years, in coordination with King Edward Medical University, they have been doing several experiments on different levels and in different fields of medicine, in the light of Islam. Especially, via different experiments with the “Sand of Madina”, brought all the way from the Noble city, they have discovered the cure for deadly diseases, specifically for cancer.
They said that they wish to bring forward all the scientists and researchers from Muslim countries, onto one platform, to bring a revolution in the field of medical research, in the light of Quranic Verses and Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
As a first step towards this goal, Mushfa has committed with King Edward to send 5 of their professors for PHD abroad, for further extensive research in medicine.
Head of Mushfa, Dr. Eyad Hassan, said that the purpose of coming to Pakistan is his love and attachment with Pakistanis. He said that he has had different agreements on different health related projects, with the Government of Pakistan.
This medicine, prepared with the “Sand of Madina” was first tested on mice, as said by Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal. He said that the mice were first vaccinated with cancer germs and then the medicine was tried on them. The mice which were given the medicine, had the cancer completely gone, while those that didn’t get the medicine, remained victims of the disease. The experiment was conducted on mice because mice and humans almost have similar genes.
He said that the medicine does not have any negative impact on the patient. This medicine has been accepted and recommended by the medical experts in Pakistan, America, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka.
He said that when a person visits a doctor, he is only concerned with his health, and nothing else. A briefing has also been held regarding this in America’s Doctors’ conference. He said that we have brought the Islamic creation into practice. In a health conference held in Sri Lanka, consisting of 115 nations, we proved that the water of Zam Zam is not impure. After the conference, a Jew came to him and said that you may be killed for this. And we told him that we are not afraid of death. Several participants considered us to be worthy of a Nobel Prize.
He said that we are not against surgery or other medicines, but we believe that we need to work together. He told us that an Irani woman was a cancer victim and had her hands and feet burnt, and was on her last stage. But, with this medicine, she was cured. He said that the purpose of preparing this medicine is not commercial at all, but it is for the purpose of the welfare of humanity. Our duty is to bring back to life, the various cancer patients.
No one, working with us, will be able to use the name of this medicine. The Holy Quran is a Book of rules and whatever is mentioned in the Ahadith, needs to be followed and practiced.
He said that cancer medicines are not available in the market. Apart from Lahore, a centre is also functional in Faisalabad. A centre will soon be functional in Bahria Town hospital and then in Qasoor city as well. He said that they have cured 800 patients in Qasoor. Maximum cancer patients are found to be in Qasoor. There are also cancer patients in Sialkot, who are in dire need of medical aid.
Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal said that he praises Professor Mumtaz Hassan who succeeded in making King Edward Medical College, a University, for the betterment of medicine.
He said that our biggest goal is to bring together the great minds of the Islamic world. Achieving this goal will be the biggest achievement of this century. He also added that this century is the century of Muslims.
He said that it is the responsibility of all the Islamic nations to change their directions towards promoting and following Islamic Science, as well as latest science of today. He also said that a few diseases are being cured better in Pakistan as compared to America. In reference to this statement, he said that many doctors say that by making patients pray regularly, helps a lot in their cure.
In the field of research, Muslims have tried hard to prove themselves. If Muslims keep working hard, they will definitely succeed.
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