Sunday, January 25, 2009

Energy Anatomy

From Quantum Bio Energy

Lessons to be learned

1. Humanbeings are Complex Beings to the extent of Uniquness

2. A Humanbening with a Persona or Identity is identifyied best by NAME or …or state of being as healthy or unhealthy (ill)

3. Illness or Sickness or Diease whatever it might be called is often a noticeable change causing discomfort or pain which the person notices first and acknowledges before seeking help of the Doctor or health professional

4. A person as said before knows his/her self better then any other
A person is a complex interaction and accumilation of many things
and should be never reduced to a Chemestry Snap-Shot in time
or x-ray or statistic in a book or study or Generalized

5. According to science & philosophy of Traditions Thousands of years old Disease occures through inbalnce or stagnation or defficency of energy and in other cases because of Inveading ‘Harmful;’or ‘Alian’ agents such as germs and viruses or any toxans all alike are forgin agents to the body which cause disease or dis-harmoney

6. It is far much eaiser to aviod the bad outcome and situation of diease as opposed to Fighting a disease and its unpleasent damge or drain of resources with a weak body

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