Sunday, January 25, 2009


The conclusions of many research activities, clinical trails and lab tests have shown the beneficiary effects of "Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine" QBEM .

Work and Contributions from a group of physicians ,Researchers ,Patients and collaborating organizations in primarily in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & Iran.

The new medicine is natural and does not contain any chemicals.
• %100 safe to use.
• Has No Side effects

As observed and proven in the labs the energy medicine
• Works on the DNA Gene level
• Restores & Protects from genetic mutation
• Restores genetic integrity ( dislocated genes )

We have seen a vast number of cases which were successfully treated using the Energy Medicine. Most notably

• Cancer
• Cancer prevention
• Renal Disorders
• Liver disorders
• Diabetes
• Allergies

What is QBEM ( Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine ) ?
To answer this question we have to explain what is bio-energy Medicine.
To explain what Bio-Energy Medicine is we need to refer a little to what is known as Vibrational Medicine.

Having said that what is QBEM ?
QBEM is explained easily to those familiar with Ayaverda and TCM or those who have the knowledge of modren sciences of Quantum Biology,Quantum Physics,Genetics.

Understanding of Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine as an Integrated medici ne philosophy,practice and technique Enables "Non-Invasive Diagnostics & Treatment"

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